Adelante Youth Mission 2017 - Misión Joven Dominicana
In March of 2017 records were broken! For the first time we had so many who wanted to come we had two sessions: March 12-18 and 19-25. We had a record 24 U.S. missionaries who came from Michigan, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Maine, Connecticut, Illinois and Wyoming. It was a perfect mixture of "old-timers" and "new-timers"!
During the two week mission, and along with local D.R. missionaries, we built and completed 20 homes for people living in deplorable conditions, and began work on 12 more homes. After we left our fellow D.R. missionaries and volunteers completed the homes and another 12 homes were finished - 32 new homes in all!! We brought a record breaking $30,000 with us for the homes, and the government has committed another $10,000 worth of building supplies. (A first ever commitment from them!) U.S. and D.R. volunteers working side by side is a terrific sight!
During the two week mission, and along with local D.R. missionaries, we built and completed 20 homes for people living in deplorable conditions, and began work on 12 more homes. After we left our fellow D.R. missionaries and volunteers completed the homes and another 12 homes were finished - 32 new homes in all!! We brought a record breaking $30,000 with us for the homes, and the government has committed another $10,000 worth of building supplies. (A first ever commitment from them!) U.S. and D.R. volunteers working side by side is a terrific sight!
Moving forward with love to serve the poor. . . one family at a time
In 2017 we had medical clinics in six different towns and saw a record-breaking 1683 patients, giving out hundreds of pounds of medicine we brought with us. We also purchased anti-parasite medicine while in the D.R. These medical clinics were staffed by local D.R. physicians and students and both D.R. and U.S. volunteers. Five Dominican women were trained to provide dental health care education for over five hundred children, who also received toothbrushes and toothpaste. We brought with us donated wheel chairs, walkers and crutches that were so appreciated. Their need for these supplies is overwhelming! |
On the educational scene we brought hundreds of pounds of educational supplies and taught classes on how to improve the environment and personal hygiene. We taught in 12 classes of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders from a local public school. On Friday March 17th, about 250 school children joined us to pick up trash from a nearby field, teaching the importance of preserving and protecting our environment. Eventually we hope to convert this field into a playground, community gardens and a ball diamond (for future Major League players!) With some small details, we were able to convince the private owner of this large field to let us do this. It was truly a labor of love we hope will be ingrained into the hearts and culture of the children, and their children in the future.
We also are helping the locals to start a cottage industry by teaching them how to sew, beginning with making curtains out of bed sheets we brought with us. These things sound so small and insignificant, yet the knowledge and skills are true necessities for the quality of life for these wonderful residents!
We also are helping the locals to start a cottage industry by teaching them how to sew, beginning with making curtains out of bed sheets we brought with us. These things sound so small and insignificant, yet the knowledge and skills are true necessities for the quality of life for these wonderful residents!
None of these works of love could have been accomplished without God's great and unconditional love, or without your most generous support. About 95.5% of all dollars donated goes to the direct benefit of these wonderful and hard-working Dominican Republic sisters and brothers. - Fr. Joachim Lally
Gallery of pictures from 2017 - Click on any picture to enlarge and scroll
Yes there are a LOT of photos here! But we sorted through about 1000 photos to be able to give you a small glimpse into our mission of love. Thank you for looking!